August 2022 Meadows Collier 1-Hour Monthly Webinar
Texas Tax for the Oil and Gas Industry
When: Tuesday, August 9 at 12pm (CST)
Where: Online/Webinar
Cost: FREE!
Join David Colmenero and Alex Pilawski for our next monthly, one-hour webinar!
The oil and gas industry continues to be a dominant driver of the Texas economy. Recent developments suggest it will continue to play an important, if not bigger, role in the economic future of Texas. This presentation focuses on some important issues that arise through the course of Texas Comptroller audits for taxpayers in this industry, recent developments and pending litigation.
Key Topics:
- Learn of Texas sales and use tax and franchise tax audit issues common in the oil and gas industry
- Learn of recent developments in these areas
- Learn of potential pitfalls and how to avoid them
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