Mr. Cousins represents corporations and individuals in tax controversies, both administratively and in litigation. In addition he has defended taxpayers in criminal tax matters. In recent years much of his practice has involved Estate and Gift tax litigation and he has tried numerous cases in that area, including: Estate of Knight v. Commissioner, Jones v. Commissioner, Estate of Foy Proctor v. Commissioner, Estate of Fleming v. Commissioner, Estate of Marmaduke v. Commissioner, Adams v. United States, United States v. Marshall, Keller v. United States and United States v. Marshall. He successfully argued the Fifth Circuit appeals in Adams, Kimbell, Keller and Marshall. Trey has broad experience in the civil tax arena, trying excise tax cases (Moody v. Commissioner), bankruptcy cases (In Re: Hutton), refund cases (Advertisers Dynamic Services Co., Inc. v. United States), as well as substantive tax cases (70 Acre Recognition Partners v. Commissioner, Pediatric Surgeons v. Commissioner, etc.).
He resides in Dalworthington Gardens, is married to Carol and has two sons and three grandchildren.
Mr. Cousins was admitted to practice in Texas in 1980.

- New York University School of Law, LL.M. in Taxation, 1981
- University of Texas School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1980
- University of Texas at Austin, B.B.A., 1977
- American Bar Association
- State Bar of Texas
- Dallas Bar Association
- Past Chair, Board of Trustees, Professional Development Institute, University of North Texas
- Chief Executives Round Table
- Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
- Texas Forestry Association
- United States Court of Federal Claims
- United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas
- United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas
- United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
- United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
- United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
- United States Tax Court
- 2013 Top Rated Lawyer in White Collar Criminal Defense Law by ALM as published in The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel & The National Law Journal, October 2013
- Texas Lawyer Go-To Tax Lawyer, as published in the December 2012 Texas Lawyer Go-To Guide Magazine.
- Texas Super Lawyers-Tax as listed in Texas Super Lawyers Magazine and Texas Monthly, 2003 through 2024, and the Business Edition 2016-2018
- The Best Lawyers in America®, 2009-2025, Litigation and Controversy-Tax
- Best Business Lawyers, D Magazine, 2009: Tax
- Best Lawyers in Dallas, D Magazine, 2011: Taxation; 2012, 2013 and 2015-2017: Tax Litigation
Representative Cases
- United States v. Marshall, 798 F.3d 296, 315-21 (5th Cir. 2015) (Majority Opinion by Judge Owen)
- Keller v. United States, 697 F.3d 238 (5th Cir. 2012)
- Kimbell v. United States, 371 F.3d 257 (5th Cir. 2004)
- Adams v. United States, 218 F.3d 383 (5th Cir. 2000)
- Jones v. Commissioner, 116 T.C. 121 (2001)
- Knight v. Commissioner, 115 T.C. 506 (2000)
- Estate of Marmaduke v. Comm'r, 78 T.C.M. 3590(1999)
- Estate of Fleming v. Comm'r, 74 T.C.M. 1049 (1997)
- Estate of Proctor et al. v. Comm'r, 67 T.C.M. 2943 (1994)
- "An Insider Look at Keller v. U.S.: IRC sec. 2036 and Valuation Discounts", QUICKREAD, June 13, 2013
- "The Importance of State Law in Federal Estate and Gift Tax Litigation: An Analysis of P.M. Adams", The Journal of Tax Practice and Procedures, Vol. 4, No. 1, February-March 2002
- "The Importance of State Law in Federal Estate and Gift Tax Litigation: An Analysis of P.M. Adams", CCH Business Valuation Alert", Vol. 3, Issue No. 3, March 2002
Texas CPA Tax Institute... [ read ]
Texas CPA Tax Institute... [ read ]
2018 Meadows Collier Annual Tax Conference... [ read ]
Texas Forestry Association Annual Meeting... [ read ]
TSCPA 2018 Advanced Estate Planning Conference... [ read ]
Midland Hospital Association and Midland College (Foundations)... [ read ]
TSCPA Tax Institute - Nov. 17, 2017 in Dallas, TX... [ read ]
TSCPA Tax Institute - Nov. 16, 2017 in San Antonio, TX... [ read ]
TSCPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference... [ read ]
Texas Bank and Trust Seminar... [ read ]
Texas Bank and Trust Seminar... [ read ]
San Antonio Estate Planners Council... [ read ]
2016 Louisiana Tax Conference... [ read ]
2016 TSCPA CPE Expo- San Antonio... [ read ]
2016 TSCPA CPE Expo- Arlington... [ read ]
2016 TSCPA CPE Expo- Houston... [ read ]
TSCPA Tax Institute- Addison... [ read ]
TSCPA Tax Institute- San Antonio... [ read ]
First Bank & Trust Seminar... [ read ]
18th Annual Meadows Collier Tax Conference... [ read ]
Burnet County Conservation Workshop... [ read ]
TSCPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference... [ read ]
Fort Worth Chapter/TSCPA Tax Institute... [ read ]
TSCPA Accounting in Agriculture Web-Conference... [ read ]
Texas Bank & Trust Seminar- Longview... [ read ]
Texas Bank & Trust Seminar- Tyler... [ read ]
Corpus Christ Chapter/TSCPA Monthly Meeting/Luncheon... [ read ]
Twenty-Fifth Annual Institute on Estate Planning... [ read ]
Speaking Engagement- San Angelo... [ read ]
TSCPA 62nd Annual Tax Institute 2015- Richardson... [ read ]
TSCPA 62nd Annual Tax Institute 2015- San Antonio... [ read ]
TSCPA's 2015 Business Valuation, Forensic and Litigation Services Conference... [ read ]
TSCPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference... [ read ]
Texas Forestry Association and Texas A&M Forest Services... [ read ]
"IRS Tax Procedure for Gift/Estate Tax Matters"... [ read ]
Texas Bank and Trust Seminar-Longview... [ read ]
"Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
Texas Bank and Trust Seminar- Tyler... [ read ]
First State Bank & Trust Seminar... [ read ]
"What We Have Learned from Litigating Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Circular 230: Oversight of the Tax Practitioner" "Hot Topics in IRS Audits and Investigations"... [ read ]
"Profit and Loss Allocations, Distributions, and Other Key Tax Provisions for Partnership Agreements"... [ read ]
"Profit and Loss Allocations, Distributions, and Other Key Tax Provisions for Partnership Agreements"... [ read ]
"Handling the Sensitive Estate Tax Examination"... [ read ]
"IRS Update: What are They Doing Now?"... [ read ]
"The Importance of and Requirements for Portability... [ read ]
"Statute of Limitations"... [ read ]
"Recent Trends in Health Care Fraud Investigations"... [ read ]
"Planning for the Future"... [ read ]
"How Professionals Get in Trouble with the IRS"... [ read ]
"Using Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Health Care Fraud"... [ read ]
"Health Care Fraud"... [ read ]
"Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Public Speaking: Do's and Don'ts"... [ read ]
"Discussion with the IRS: Exam & Collection"... [ read ]
"So you Thought the Statute of Limitations was Simple..."... [ read ]
"So you Thought the Statute of Limitations was Simple..."... [ read ]
"Current Audit Trends"... [ read ]
"Current Audit Trends"... [ read ]
"Fraud Omissions, Errors and Missed Deadlines: Dealing with the Troubled 706"... [ read ]
"Using Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Litigating Estate and Gift Taxes"... [ read ]
"Using Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Keller: How to Walk Away with a $150,000,000 Estate Tax Refund"... [ read ]
"Tax Litigation: What Is Involved in Taking a Tax Case from Exam to Appeal and When is it Worth it?"... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up on Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"What We Can Expect from the IRS in 2013"... [ read ]
"Practicing Before the IRS: The Tightening Noose"... [ read ]
"Practicing Before the IRS: The Tightening Noose"... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up on Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Courthouse: Thoughts About Litigating and Resolving Estate Tax Disputes"... [ read ]
"View from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)"... [ read ]
"The IRS. The Tax Attorney. The Valuator/Appraiser. Perspectives and Guidance on Navigating through Valuation Engagements"... [ read ]
"Practicing Before the IRS: The Tightening Noose"... [ read ]
"Surprise Issues in Your FLP Planning: Are We On The Right Track?... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up On Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Litigating FLP's: The Keller Decision"... [ read ]
"Making Ends Meet: Getting Paid Consistently and Ethically"... [ read ]
"Public Speaking: Do's and Don'ts"... [ read ]
"What Happened to Audits?"... [ read ]
"What Happened to Audits?"... [ read ]
"Recent Developments in Texas Taxation"... [ read ]
"Derivative Liabilities" and "Worker Classification Issues"... [ read ]
"IRS Targets in Transfer Tax"... [ read ]
"How CPAs Get in Trouble with the IRS"... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up on Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Valuation Issues - FLPs and LLCs" "Dealing with the IRS in Tax Court"... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up on Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs)"... [ read ]
"Discounting and FLPs: Don't Give Up Hope Yet"... [ read ]
"Don't Give Up on Family Limited Partnerships"... [ read ]
"Payroll Tax Controversies"... [ read ]
"How CPAs Get in Trouble with the IRS" "Planning Opportunities for Financially Distressed Entities and Related Issues" "Representing Your Clients Before the... [ read ]
"The Current Status of Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs)"... [ read ]
"Transfer Tax Controversies: Current and Future" "Estate Planning Update and Year-End Planning"... [ read ]
"Keeping Estate Planners Out of Trouble"... [ read ]
"Civil Tax Litigation" "Criminal Tax Recent Developments"... [ read ]
"IRS Collection Activity"... [ read ]
"Family Limited Partnerships: Where Are We Now?"... [ read ]
"Transfer Tax Litigation and the Keller Decision" "No Estate Tax - Now What?" "Evolution of an IRS Fraud Case"- Longview... [ read ]
"IRS Attacks on Estate Planning Techniques" and "Litigating FLPs: The Keller Decision"... [ read ]
"Aggressive Tax Planning without the Necessity of IRS Litigation"... [ read ]
"Transfer Tax Litigation and the Keller Decision" "No Estate Tax - Now What?" "Evolution of an IRS Fraud Case"- Tyler... [ read ]
"Transfer Tax Litigation Issues After The Dust Clears"... [ read ]
"Litigating FLP's: The Keller Decision" "No Estate Tax - Now What?"... [ read ]
"What's Going On at the IRS and How it Affects You" "The Texas Franchise Tax: What the Texas Comptroller and the Texas Legislature Have in Mind"... [ read ]
"Litigating FLP's: The Keller Decision"... [ read ]
"IRS Attacks on Estate Planning Techniques"... [ read ]
"IRS Enforcement Priorities"... [ read ]
"The United States Tax Court from an Estate and Gift Tax Litigator's Perspective"... [ read ]
"Staying out of Trouble: CPAs Communications with Clients and Courts" "IRS Audit" "IRS Examinations/Appeals"... [ read ]
"FLPs"... [ read ]
"Litigation Family Limited Partnerships - the Keller Decision"... [ read ]
"IRS Enforcement Issues"... [ read ]
"Representing the Taxpayer in Tax Court"... [ read ]
"Preparing for and Defending the Examination of Estate and Gift Tax Returns"... [ read ]
"Five Ways to Help Your Client or Employer and Improve Your Bottom Line"... [ read ]
"Tax Issues for Timber Investors"... [ read ]
Annual Taxation and Estate Planning Update for Professionals Seminar sponsored by Texas Bank and Trust-Tyler... [ read ]
Annual Taxation and Estate Planning Update for Professionals Seminar sponsored by Texas Bank and Trust-Longview... [ read ]
"Farm and Ranch Estate Planning"... [ read ]
Practical Suggestions for Effectively Representing a Taxpayer in an IRS Examination... [ read ]
Through the years we have developed, or adopted from other practitioners, suggestions about dealing with the IRS in exams. The suggestions below are generalizations, to which there are substantial exceptions. Practitioners that deal with the IRS are bound not only by their individual professional ethics but also by Circular 230. It is important to recognize the significance and import of those rules and to apply not only their letter but also their spirit. The goal of any representative is to get a client out of an IRS examination as quickly as possible.