Presentations Archive
February 3, 2009
"The New Texas 'Margin' Tax: Pitfalls and Opportunities for Technology Companies and Other Businesses Operating in Texas"... [ read ]
February 3, 2009
"Preparer Beware: Circular 230 and the New Section 6694 Penalty" and "The IRS is Currently Auditing Taxpayers Again: What Issues Will the IRS Likely Raise During your Next Audit?"... [ read ]
January 29, 2009
"IRS Examinations of Estate & Gift Tax Returns"... [ read ]
January 13, 2009
"Current Trends in Estate Planning"... [ read ]
January 10, 2009
"Experts on 'Legal' Matters"... [ read ]
January 5, 2009
"Criminal Tax - Recent Developments"... [ read ]
January 1, 1900